Email account details

We recommend using a POP account type for incoming mail on computers and only use IMAP on mobile devices.

Incoming Mail server details:

Server/Host Name:
POP Port: 995 for encryption on and 110 for encryption off.
IMAP Port: 993 for encryption on and 143 for encryption off.
Username: Account Email Address
Password: Account Password
Connection Security: Auto or Tick SSL/TLS “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS)”
Leave “Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA)” unticked.

The below screenshots are Server setting in Microsoft Outlook.

Outgoing Mail server details:

Server/Host Name:
SMTP Port: 25
SMTP Alternative Port: 587 (Use if port 25 is blocked)
Connection Security: Auto or STARTTLS
Use the same email account details as incoming.
Username: Account Email Address
Password: Account Password

Updated: 20 Oct 2021